Dark chocolate and banana no bake granola

I love making granola and this dark chocolate and banana no bake granola is just simply the bomb!

No bake granola from eatgood4life.com

I have just made this dark chocolate and banana no bake granola, and oh boy…Talk about the perfect snack.

Granted it has some sugar, but a little goes a long way. I like the fact that you don’t have to bake this no bake granola and that it can be done rather quickly.

The only thing with this granola, is that I actually prefer keeping it in the fridge, even though I have done both. If the room temperature gets too high the coconut oil will melt and the granola will get kind of soggy in a way.

I do actually have this by itself, with ice cream, plain yogurt or just mix it in with some other cereal. My kids love it, I even pack it sometime for my kids as a treat for school.

Granola is very versatile so go ahead and omit or substitute any of the ingredients listed. Next time I make it I will try it with different type nuts.

On another note, I have mentioned that I am working on a tofu frosting recipe right? Well, I will keep you posted on that. I just hope it turns out OK because I am a little bit skeptical about using tofu for frosting :-)


You can half the quantities for this granola but because we love granola making big batches is what best works for us :-)

Once you have mixed all of the ingredients in a big bowl place them on a big cookie sheet and let it cool. I actually place my cookie sheet in the fridge to speed up the process and then transfer the granola to an air tight container to store.

No bake peanut butter granola from eatgood4life.com


Dark chocolate and banana No bake granola

Yield: 52 servings

Total Time: 25 minutes



In a medium sauce pan, add peanut butter, oil and honey. Heat through and stir until mix through and a homogeneous mixture.

In a large mixing bowl place the remainder of the ingredients and mix. Pour heated peanut butter mixture and combine throughly. Place mixture on a baking cookie sheet and let it rest until set.

I actually place my mixture in the fridge to speed up the process. When set place mixture in an airtight container and keep in the fridge.

Serve with yogurt, ice cream, milk or by itself. Lately, I have actually given this granola to my son's as a school snack.

Nutrition facts calculated based on the recipe giving 52 servings. 1 serving = 1/4 cup