Mocha ice box cake with chocolate cake round 2

This is the second attempt of making the mocha ice box cake this week. We liked it a lot first time around although I though that using cake instead of cookies for the layers would be better…… it was :-)

It is a little bit more involved I suppose but worth every effort. I used my chocolate cake recipe which was perfect although you can use any chocolate cake of your choice.

I baked the cake in two 9 inch cake pans and I divided each cake into two horizontal layers using a total of 3 layers and reserving one layer for future use, perhaps for a cheesecake base :-) I found that the 4 layers did not fit into a 9 inch springform pan.

Anyhow, this will be my last post until the first week of September, which is when we get back from Europe. Hopefully I will have some nice pictures from our travels for you to see so until then,

………so long and enjoy this last post!!

I used 3 chocolate cake layers and I also dropped a few tablespoons of the Kahlua liquor onto the cake for a stronger coffee liquor flavor. You can omit this step though :-)

……and the final result….. just superb!!


Mocha ice box cake with chocolate cake round 2

Yield: 8-10 servings


Mocha Cream

2 cups heavy cream
8 oz mascarpone cheese, at room temperature
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon instant espresso powder
1/4 cup Kahlua liquor


1 chocolate cake



I used my chocolate cake recipe. I divided the cake batter into two 9 inch cake pans and when done and cooled I divided each cake into two horizontal layers obtaining a total of 4 layers. I used 3 and saved the last layer for future use.

In a bowl, with an electric whisk, combine the heavy cream, sugar, cocoa and espresso powder. Beat until it forms soft peaks. Add mascarpone and Kahlua and beat until it forms stiff peaks.

To assemble the cake, arrange one cake layer in the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan like in the picture. Spread 1/3 of the mocha whipped cream evenly over the cake. ( I actually used more of the Kahlua liquor to soak into the cake)

Place another layer of cake on top followed by another 1/3 of the cream. Place the last cake layer followed by the remaining cream. You will have a total of 3 layers. Smooth the top, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate overnight. The mocha cream will harden.
To serve cake, run a small sharp knife around the outside of the cake and remove the sides of the pan. Sprinkle the top with chocolate or with whatever you may like.